www.whyville.net Jul 18, 2002 Weekly Issue

Swearing! Is It Worth It?

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Swearing! Is It Worth It?

Times Writer

This is Sonner again, speaking to you about Whyvillians not being able to swear on Whyville.

I mean, sure, someone always bends the rules and puts in different letters but still makes it sound the same. But I think I know why there is a filter on Whyville. If you grew up in a family that never swore or anything and you saw those words here, then you catch on to it and start swearing too. Who wants Whyville to be a place where you learn to curse? Blecch. Also, having a filter helps keep younger children from being scared or offended.

Whyville always puts new stuff on the site for a reason, they don't do it just for the heck of it. Sometimes it can slip out onto Whyville. I rarely swear now on Whyville. When I say rarely, I mean very very mild stuff, not the bad ones. I guess I just don't want to be taped.

Since I am a Y-mail helper, I should tell you that if I get taped, my picture won't appear on the screen for Y-mail helpers. Same for the other helpers. So that's one reason why I don't do it.

I just don't swear anymore because there is no point. I almost think some people get taped just for what they think is popularity. Some of my friends are taped all the time and it kinda stinks because I can't talk to them. But some people just make new accounts so they can chat on that account. I personally think that's clever. LoL!

Me, I haven't been taped in maybe 4 months (sorry City Hall if I'm wrong, I don't keep track). People swear just for the heck of it, as I say again, just so other people can get a laugh out of it. That also earns a kind of popularity on Whyville. I'm sometimes found guilty of laughing at it. I bet everyone has, but it's pointless. On the other hand, it would be way better to laugh at it than say the bad word yourself. Those people are risking their accounts being fined, taped, and maybe even banished. I never risk it. I get really nervous because I might say something very mild and be afraid I could get banned. But then I log on and feel much better.LoL! That's how nervous I get sometimes.

As I've said, Whyville has this filter so people don't hear those words and so they don't learn the wrong things -- because this is a learning site.

I also think that the higher salary you have the more you will get fined because people with higher salaries have probably been on Whyville longer than the other people. Am I right, Times Editor?

Well I think this article is wrapped up. So you should think twice about the next time you wanna say something bad on Whyville. Is it really worth risking? I think not. Since this article is becoming very long I should end it right now.

'Till next time. This is Sonner, Bye! :-)


Editor's Note: You are correct, generally citizens who have been on Whyville longer have larger salaries. That's not always true, of course.

And as you supposed, citizens with higher salaries are fined more -- but not relatively. Fines are based on the number of days of salary. Thus, if you have a 10 clam salary and do something to deserve a "2 day fine", then you're fined 20 clams. If you make 100 clams a day and do the same dirty deed, you'll be fined 200 clams. Imagine if you made 100 clams a day and only got fined 20 clams -- you could make it back up in less than a day, while that other person loses two whole days of salary. The fines are designed this way to make them "mean" about as much to one citizen as the next.

Yet another similarity between fines and taxes...



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