www.whyville.net Jul 18, 2002 Weekly Issue

The Designer's Decision

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The Designer's Decision

Times Fashion Writer

'Lo, this is googles, once again, and I'm here to discuss the rights of a designer. Is it FAIR for a person to be able to decide when and how much he or she wants to restock? Yes. Should they HAVE to restock just because someone wants something? No. It is their own creation and they should be able to do what they wish with it. They should not have to cater to everyone else's demands. If they make an "unsellable" part, the person should NOT have to restock just because somebody wants to buy it.

Some people just like to keep their products limited every once in awhile. I mean, look at the large population of Whyville! It's very difficult to be yourself and have your OWN look if everybody buys the same things! It's not a crime to want something to call your own.

If you are upset about not being able to have an unsellable, try making your own, even better product! I know, you'll probably say, "But I can't, I am horrible at making stuff!" but have you really tried that much? It just takes time and practice. Nobody's first part was perfect, I can tell you that.

If you want someone to restock something, ask them, but if they tell you it is "unsellable," you should normally give up before you end up paying crazy prices for some trend that will end in about a week or so.

Also, there ARE plenty of great parts that are... well... sellable. Check out all the other great stores and I'm sure you will find something that you like!

And, in respose to Merchant's article about "unsellables," not everyone that makes them calls people "not worthy" or "peasants"! We don't ALL do it because we are in some Kingdomship thing. Some of us just want to be individuals, without many look-alikes. Some people just like that.

Thanks for tuning in!



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