www.whyville.net Jul 18, 2002 Weekly Issue

The Eye of the Beholder

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The Eye of the Beholder

Fashion Writer

I've noticed that some of the major events that happen almost hourly in Whyville are the beauty contests, which are pretty much always held in the auditorium. I myself love to participate, but I am one of those people who are carefree and do not care if I don't place high.

I have also noticed that there are some people that say things like, "You shouldn't hold BC's (beauty contests) because they make people feel bad." I had never thought about that before. It never crossed my mind that someone would take a beauty contest with a cartoon face seriously, but I guess there are some who do care, and their feelings get hurt.

I interviewed some Whyville citizens, in the auditorium, to gather their thoughts and opinions on beauty contests. Here is what these citizens think about beauty contests:

Shalee: "BC's are fun, but if I don't win I don't take it personally. I think they are pretty cool but sometimes they choose the same people over and over again and it starts to get offending."

Moocow007: "Well, a lot of people just get chosen for looks and I have other accounts that have had Why-pox and of course they get last, but I guess that I like them (beauty contests)."

Tiktak: "I think that they are fun, but sometimes the people hosting them are rude to the people who don't place, so sometimes they are not so fun."

Sonner: "I don't go in them very much anymore because they are not that exciting because the judges usually stink (no offense to the judges that are good)."

Gartner: "Well, sometimes they can be unfair because the judges always pick their friends and the winner is ALWAYS a girl."

Shinytoon: "They're ok, I like how sometimes you can win money, but a bad thing is that they always put boys last, but I think they should have them (beauty contests)."

Now, after talking to six different citizens, three girls and three boys, I have come to a conclusion for my article about beauty contests.

I think that beauty contests are a good thing for Whyville to have because they make it a bit more enjoyable. Whyvillians may say that other people get hurt feelings, but maybe those who are sensitive to these types of events, well, maybe they shouldn't participate at all. Beauty contests may also encourage people to work on their face more so they can win the beauty contests or even the prize if there is one. Overall, I know that the boys think that BC's are unfair because they never win, and I agree. I don't understand why boys never win and it's always a girl, but I know from experience (because I have judged a few) that the pickings can be very difficult at some time. But, it's only a game and no one should be hurt or get worked up about their place.

I know that I will continue to participate in them as well as many other citizens.

I give thanks to all six Whyvillians who contributed their thoughts and opinions about Beauty contests to help with my article.

Yours in Writing,




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