www.whyville.net Aug 1, 2002 Weekly Issue

Saving For a Rainy Day

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Saving For a Rainy Day

Guest Writer

Hi Whyvillians, this is girlyleo, wondering if you've heard about the new game Whyville has been announcing. It's the nutrition game.

When I first heard about it, I thought it would be a lot of fun because you'll be able to buy food for your account and make sure that it gets the proper nutrition it needs. If you don't, it will look ugly because it's not getting the right foods, just like you would if all you ate was junk food! :) Anyway, as I kept thinking about it, I realized that what sounded like fun to me would be horrific for others, namely, newbies and those who don't have even enough clams to keep clothed. What will happen to those unfortunates who are just getting by?

Not all Whyvillians will give to Grandma or to those who'll be dying of hunger -- most of them will barely have enough to keep themselves fed. Have we all asked ourselves if Grandma or City Hall will have enough food to feed these accounts? With all the newbies arriving every day, will there be enough food to go around? Will it be like the projectiles, where sometimes most of them are sold out because of high demand?

I feel that we should all be concerned for those who won't have enough clams when the nutrition game arrives. Those who are spending all their clams on clothes, maybe you should consider saving some, because who knows how much the food will cost?

This is girlyleo, signing off! :)



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