Summer Interview
Guest Writer | |
Hey, Whyville! BeeZD is here with, yes, an article! How did you know? Okay, moving on....
I am going to interview two people about their summer vacation, I think it might be interesting to know what they have done....
I first interviewed Chunx.
Me: Hi Chunx, mind if I ask you some questions about your summer holiday?
Chunx: Ok, sure. :o)
Me: What are some of the main activities you have done this summer?
Chunx: Well, I went to cartooning lessons, art camp just last week, gym and trampoline.
Me: That sounds like a lot of fun!
Chunx: Yea, it was!
Me: So, are you looking forward to school?
Chunx: Kind of; I'm excited to see all of my old friends, but other than that, not really, LoL.
Me: Ha ha! Well, here is a question I think we all know the answer to! Do you like school better than summer vacation?
Chunx: NOOO!!!
Me: LoL! Well, thanks for your time, bye!
Chunx: Okay, thank you, bye.
Next, I interviewed BiPLaNe.
Me:Hi BiPLaNe, mind if I ask you some questions about your summer holiday?
BiPLaNe: Nope, question away!
Me: Ok..... Um, LoL, what are some of the main activities you have done this summer?
BiPLaNe: Uh, tubing, camp, art lessons, soccer, hockey and that's it.
Me: Wow that's a lot! Must have been a blast, eh?
BiPLaNe: Yup!
Me: Are you looking forward to school?
BiPLaNe: 99.9 percent no, 0.1 percent yes.
Me: LoL, I guess no one really likes school.
BiPLaNe: Well, duh!! LoL.
Me: LoL... So, what kind of camp did you go to?
BiPLaNe: Ummm, a Christian kinda camp place... ya.
Me: Really? I went to a Christian camp too! :o)
BiPLaNe: Cool.
Me: Well, thanks for your time! Bye bye!
BiPLaNe: You're welcome, anytime, no problem, chow, Later yo, bye LoL.
I think that these two people had very exciting summers!!
And that was only the MAIN part of their summer, they probably did a lot more! And they still had time for Whyville. :o)
This is BeeZD, signing out... *Click*