Fear of War
Darkness plagues a little insignificant corner
As I lay upon the cobble stones.
The sounds of gunshots in the distance arouse
Me from my quiet slumber.
At that moment, I realize that it is not a dream
But a terror that cannot escape its own reality.
Flashes wield through the tiny shards of window
Still left from the last attack on my home.
A quiet tear gently falls from my face
As I dream to be carried elsewhere, to safety.
And then after the worst flash of all
All is silent. All is Dark.
Trying to look out my eyes,
I see nothing, I hear nothing.
Then, gasping deeply for air, I begin
To see tiny shapes moving in the distance.
I lay in the darkness of the room,
Hoping for safety, dreaming for life.
Then the troops are summoned off the distance
And I know that, at least for now, I am safe.
~don't take anything about war light to the heart.