www.whyville.net Sep 26, 2002 Weekly Issue

Whyville News??

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Whyville News??

Shalee & Zenfer
Whyville Jokesters

Howdy Ho Ranger Joe! This is Shalee and Zenfer reporting for Whyville News! Just kidding! We are here to tell some jokes to make you all laugh. We're sitting here in the Waiting Room and as well as entertaining you, it'll entertain us too! To start it off, Shalee's favorite joke...

Shalee: How do you get Pikachu on a bus?
Zenfer: How?
Shalee: You POKEMON (Poke him on, get it?)!!! Hahaha!
Zenfer: Wow that was wonderful. Now my turn...
Shalee: Nope, not yet! Why did the Newbie cross the road?
Zenfer: Because he wanted to get hit by a car?
Shalee: Haha, very funny. It's because he couldn't talk and wanted to get some face parts.
Zenfer: Hmmm... Ok, I got a good one!
Shalee: Do tell!
Zenfer: What did the train say to the passengers?
Shalee: What?
Zenfer: Choo choo choooose meeee!!
Shalee: Ok that was fantabulous.
Zenfer: Just like me!
Shalee: Should we do one more?
Zenfer: Okey Dokey Artichokey!
Shalee:: Do you want to do the honours?
Zenfer: Sure. Why did the worm go in the apple?
Shalee: I have no clue.
Zenfer: Because he liked the colour red!
Shalee: But the inside of apples are white!
Zenfer: Shh! You're not supposed to know that!

Ok, I hope you enjoyed our warped sense of humor. This is Shalee and Zenfer signing off.... *CoWaBuNgA*



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