www.whyville.net Sep 26, 2002 Weekly Issue

I Love the Times

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I Love the Times

Guest Writer

I love the Times. I like seeing the new articles each week and hearing from everyone who is a part of Whyville. But the newspaper wouldn't happen if it weren't for all of the Writers and the Editor of the newspaper. So I want to say thanks a bunch to them all.

Thank you, Editor, for all of your work. My friends and I like the newspaper so much -- I mean, like, a lot, and you wouldn't understand how much. We think you are the coolest. I have to thank some of my favorite writers for what they tell us and talk about. And for their nice articles. I don't want to single some person out but I want to thank them ALL, but I go ahead and more specifically thank a few.

Thank you, TIKE and Giggler01 so much. You are above all my 2 favorites. The paper isn't the same without your articles. I started reading months ago and always look for your articles. Sometimes I have to look up the words ya use in your articles, but they make me think. That's so good. You should go down in Whyville times history. Hehehe

Thanks so much to Googles and Vanilla and other oldbie writers. I like looking at your old articles a lot.

Everyone should thank the writers 'cause they put in so much time and effort. They like Whyville so much that they write about their feelings. So amazing. Yay for them.

Yay for all of the writers. Thank your writers today!

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