www.whyville.net Sep 26, 2002 Weekly Issue


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Whyville Poet
From day one, before we ever met
you've been determined to make my life a total heck!
You make fun of my hair, you make fun of my clothes
and for some reason, I doubt YOU even know!
You act like I can't hear the mean things you say.
Well, guess what, I'm not deaf! I hear them anyway!
Stuff like "You're ugly, you're stupid and I'm better than you always!"
This is what I hear from you every day!
It's really freakin' stressin' me out
and I don't know what this hate is all about!
Maybe you're just jealous, maybe not,
but if you don't stop then you can just rot!
Maybe making fun of me is the way to get popular and get to the top?
Well, too bad, 'cause this harassment's got to stop!
I've tried to reason, I've tried to stay cool
inside, I'd like to punch you (but I'd get suspended from school).
You say I'm ugly? Well, girl, get some glasses!
this torment is even effecting my classes.
My grades have dropped, I don't raise my hand.
I failed a quiz and it was about land!
I've had to change the place where I sit
and why? Because I sit next to you! You twit!
You're being horrible and I don't know why.
On more than one occasion, I've wanted to cry!
I understand bad stuff has happened in your past,
but it's gone, it's over! It's not coming back!
Get some good counseling and you will see,
maybe you'll even wanna get to know me.
Instead of enemies, maybe we can be friends
or at least we can manage to make amends.
If you get to know me, you'll like me just fine.
And if you still don't?
Psh... that's your problem, not mine!



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