www.whyville.net Sep 26, 2002 Weekly Issue

Love: Why Bother?

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Love: Why Bother?

Whyville Poet
My heart used to jump when I saw you,
I would never question why,
But recently I have been wondering,
How would you feel if I was with another guy.

Would you be happy,
Happy that I found someone.

Or would you be sad,
Wishing that you were my only one.

Would you be mad,
Thinking I was unfaithful.

Or would you be mixed,
Sad but knowing that being angry would be shameful.

Would you be jealous,
Wanting to watch my every move.

Or would just be ok about it,
Hoping that I knew that you would always be there to soothe.

I want to know,
I really do.
But I can't help but question the answer you gave when I asked you.

You said you'd be happy,
You said you'd be glad.

But I was kinda hoping that you would say you were sad.
Sad that I wasn't yours and that you wished I would want only you to hold me.

Yet, I guess no answer would have given me much glee.
Except one, and this only one:
Would you marry me?

Of course don't get me wrong I know this can't be,
You have a girl and I have well, no one that likes me.

But you will say, no, I love you?
*Psh* Yeah right, if you did, you wouldn't do the things you do.

I know this poem is long,
I know it's never ending and pointless.

But please bear with me,
Poetry is my way to expresses these feelings
And I'm trying my best.



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