www.whyville.net Oct 3, 2002 Weekly Issue

This Week's Forum

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This Week's Forum

Guest Writer

I was reading my younger sisters' Chickadee magazines about India (May 2002) when I came upon an article about a emperor named Akbar who lived almost 400 years ago and ruled a city called Agra (they also called him Jahanpanah, which means he was someone important). I was just curious if Whyville knew about this and why Akbar, whoever you are, called yourself this.

Well gotta go,


Guest Writer

As I was looking around Whyville, I came upon something that made me a little angry with the citizens of Whyville. While I was in the City Hall, I found a petition that said Whyville should not let any Newbies come into Whyville because they ask too many questions and are annoying!

I find it hard to believe that anyone in this city could be so cruel. When I was a Newbie, I would have never been able to figure out how to get clams or anything if it had not been for someone who answered my questions though Y-mail. She really helped me get into this great site.

So, in conclusion, the next time you get someone asking for help, answer their plea. They will be really grateful, and you might make a new friend! Let's help our fellow Whyvillians, and make Whyville a more fun, safe place for EVERYONE!

Editor's Note: Thanks for helping our new citizens, Fishi13. I have a hard time believing that any true Whyvillian could think that *anybody* asks too many questions! Asking who-what-when-where-WHY is what our town's all about, after all.


Guest Writer

OK, I am in the ever-exclusive Club Why *sinckers* Ya, exclusive, just pay some money and you're in! We pay that money and then we reserve parties, and oh ya! We get to go under the trap door! Almost forgot about that part, BECAUSE NO ONE EVER GOES THERE! Every single time I'm there no one else is.

I don't mean to brag, but it is an awesome room! I love the colourfulness, and I love that little plant, you know which one I'm talking about, fellow members! Just stop by, OK? I'm always so lonely, LOL!


Guest Writer

I recently read an article in my local newspaper that gave information about this website. I decided it was worth looking into. I am registered but am still a guest (I think). The reason I am writing this article is because I am a newbie an not allowed to chat, so no one can tell me what to do. I am completely lost and I fear others new to Whyville might be as well. The virtual tour was not extremely helpful, and whenever I tried to do something like go to the dance studio it said, you are not a registered user. As a spokesperson for all newbies I nominate that all instructions and help guides for users just getting started should be updated and made more... well... more useful. Will anyone second the motion? Only time will tell.


unknown author
Guest Writer

I would first of all like to say that newbies are treated unfairly. We should be welcomed instead of discouraged! No one has the courtesy to say hello. Why is that? Why isn't Whyville talking?

We are all separating between ourselves, and that's not what a community is all about. A community is about helping, caring, and sharing. So when you big clam makers don't share, well, this definitely went to you.

I know it's hard, but sharing is the key to a community.



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