www.whyville.net Oct 3, 2002 Weekly Issue

Perspective on 9-11

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Perspective on 9-11

Guest Writer

Hi, this is PinkGal23 and today I am writing a more serious article than I have written before.

Last night, I was freaking out because I forgot my English binder at school and I needed a hand-out which was in the binder. And, when I say freaking out, I mean I was on the verge of tears! That's when I went to talk to my mom. She told me to put things into perspective, and at first I didn't understand exactly what she meant... put what into perspective, I had forgotten my homework and I didn't have a free period the next day that I could do it in?!!

Then she explained what she meant -- she told me that, it being September 11th (that's the day this all happened), if I was going to be stressed, it should not be about some homework assignment. She told me to think about everyone who had someone that they lost on September 11th and to image what it would have been one of these people. I had the right to be sad and stressed on September 11th if I had been one of these people, but I didn't have the right to be completely stressed over some homework assignment.

Now, this really got me thinking. How many times have I (or you) been stressed over something stupid? I am not saying that homework is stupid, but I mean, is it really worth being on the verge of tears? There are better things to cry about and I am ashamed that I was about to cry about something like leaving my binder at school.

I was lucky enough not to have lost anyone on September 11th, but that doesn't mean I don't feel others pain whenever I see something on the TV or hear something on the radio about it.

So, next time you are stressed about a homework assignment, just remember that there are others in much worse situations than you.

Just keep this in mind.
PinkGal23, signing off *click*



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