www.whyville.net Oct 3, 2002 Weekly Issue

Walking a Mile

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Walking a Mile

Times Writer

Walking a mile in someone else's shoes. Many of you have probably heard this expressions numerous times, however, have not given it much thought. As humans, some of us think that our wisdom out-debates anything that we can comprehend. In certain circumstances, do we know what another person feels like? No matter how much effort and ambition we put forth, chances are, we will never understand.

Lately people have been talking about choice versus nature, or directly the ability to choose in perspective to what seems natural. Is this opinion or fact? In addition, when does an opinion, in fact, become a reality?

If you look back in time you will see how people have one opinion and can suddenly be proved wrong. Before a map or the general knowledge on the earth, people believed that the earth itself was flat. They believed that people could fall off the face of the earth and would never be seen again. Now that we have more information, we know that the Earth is round in shape. Scientists were also condemned and ridiculed for their beliefs, which were considered wrong at that time. For example, humans had the notion that the sun rotated around the earth because everything was made for the advantage of humans. While studying the stars, scientists noticed that there were specific patterns in the sky and upon further investigation, they concluded that the earth revolved around the sun. Therefore, they were correct, despite what other people thought. Now do we as the human race seem highly intelligent and accepting towards others?

During the last hundred years, oppression was a primary part of actions towards others in North America. However, could you really state that you understand what African-Americans went through? Unless you were an African American individual yourself, would you be able to apprehend the cruelty and hardships that they had to overcome? Would you suggest that a person who promoted the segregation of others showed sympathy towards them?

Today while chatting in the Playground, a person announced that being a homosexual was a choice. I was curious if this person was gay himself, so I asked. He replied no, that he'd heard that statement from a friend. So how could he decide that when he didn't know, himself? I would probably have been more humane in my response if he'd announced yes and that he'd made that choice upon his own personal needs and conscience. However, he only had second-hand evidence, not first-hand faith or evidence. He had no proof, nor did he choose to actually ask someone who is gay, and so he just included himself in the ignorance. Nevertheless, the question I ask is, how come an entire lifestyle and state of being is considered humorous or disgusting? For everyone is composed of the same material, regardless of his or her size, shape, skin colour, beliefs, or sexual orientation.

When you walk down the street or progress through the halls at your school and behold a mentally handicapped person, do you judge? Do you smirk or chuckle, or turn away in apprehension? What if that same person was you, would you have a different opinion towards that subject matter? Everyone wants to be beautiful, attractive, intelligent, and healthy. That is what makes us part of the human race. Secularism. If you are unsure what that means, look it up.

Do you put yourself before others, or do you judge material possessions and appearances before the inner qualities? Surely, some people on Whyville do since you have no comprehension on how many times I am asked, "Are you single?" All because of the fact that I look precious, charming, cute or sweet. It is true that they have no realization of the type of person that I am, what I think, information about my life, or personal aspirations. However, would they really care anyway?

In this world of ours, we must "outwit, outlast, and outplay" in order to be successful. We judge and form an opinion before we have facts. Even if we do not, we begin to belittle others by not taking their opinions or beliefs seriously. Is this the Whyville way? On the other hand, is this the way that we should portray our world?

What do you think?

A new day has come,




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