This is Sonner, writing about a controversial topic about the word gay.
First off, there are two different meanings for the word: happy and
homosexuality. Everyone seems to think it's a dirty word. But what freaks me out
is how many people misuse it. This kid said this lesson (in school) is
gay! How could a lesson be gay??
It's just so misused for what it means.
My parents think you're born with it. I am not gay. But there are people
who are and they deserve just as much respect as you do. You can't go
from like oh, I'll be this way, it can't be done. I read smileNow's
article and I thought it was very good and well-written.
Now, back to the word's meaning happy. It has on The Flinstones' theme song, "We'll have a gay old time!" and everyone would laugh.
I know some kids on Whyville that are gay. Some kids are teased because of it and if they are born that way, how can they help it? If someone was born with a rare disease or in a wheelchair, I wouldn't make fun of them. A teacher in my school is
handicapped and she's a professional athlete. I don't make fun of her,
that's just very rude. And why should they have to "help it", anyway?
Think about it...