The Clam-Needing
For a while, ever since you were able to clam someone, maybe, there
are people who constantly go around asking for clams. And, if you say
no, they beg and beg until they get what they want. Then, they go asking
for more.
I believe this is quite annoying, and for the people
who have lots of designer labels and an expensive face, you should know what I
mean. I think something should be done about this, people should get
more clams, or the prices lowered.
Like I see in the Designer Labels section, there should be A
Whyville Credit, or a Whyville bank account.
That about wraps it up,
Bye all!
Concerned Citizen |
Tips for Newbies
What I'm going to talk about is the chats. All the people in Whyville are
very nice. I just got in not to long ago and no1 ever talked to me but so people
are starting to talk to me now. And I have some tips for newbies so they won't get
left out.
1: always say hi to someone when you start to talk and someone say hi back.
2: when someone starts to talk to you talk back to them.
and that is all I have to say.
(Anonymous) |
Concerned Citizen |
Welcome the Newbies
Dear citizens many of you have noticed since this whispering
ban has gone on no one will talk to the newbies.
Many of you are mad about that.
Well just remember when you were a newbie. Were you cool?
No! Everyone has been new. So let's welcome our newbies with a great big 'HI'.