www.whyville.net Nov 7, 2002 Weekly Issue

Wicca and Harry Potter

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Wicca and Harry Potter

Guest Writer

Dear Whyvillians,

My name is LeLe12, and I am a 13-year-old female who thoroughly enjoys this website. Normally I just chat and play games, but today, I decided to read the Times, and as I was reading, I witnessed something that totally shocked me.

A person (Ray10) wrote about how some people -- not necessarily he -- believe that Harry Potter is all about black magic, and I thought that was just wrong. It's not that I love Harry Potter or something, it is just that I am studying to actually become a person in the Wicca religion when I turn 18.

I just started becoming interested in Wicca about 2 months ago (that's around the end of August), so I may not know all the facts, but this is what I have come to understand after I checked some books out of the library and read them. First off, from what I understand, you cannot even be initiated into Wicca unless you are over 18 years of age, so that rules out everybody but the teachers for being able to do spells. So basically, all the children could really do was study the facts and spells, but not do them; it simply would not work.

Also, there is a "three times over" rule. Ever heard of the saying, "do unto others as you would like others to do unto you"? Well, though it's a quote from the Bible, the idea applies to the Wicca religion, too. Say you want to harm somebody somehow -- well, sure you can do that, but the same thing is going to be done to you three times over! Also, to make the magic really work, you need to study the thing you want to do to the person, and the person's needs as well, not just say some words and *poof* it's done. That just isn't how it's done.

Wicca is a very herbal religion, it is about being in tune with nature, and loving the God and Goddess. (Yes, God AND Goddess, Wicca participants believe everything is equal; female is just as terrific as male) Therefore, Harry Potter is SO not connected to Wicca, and the books are NOT based on black magic.

Respectfully yours,



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