www.whyville.net Nov 7, 2002 Weekly Issue

Not Again! The Twister Fish Returns

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Not Again!
The Twister Fish's Return to Whyville

Y-File Investigator

Well, one thing you should know is that I'm on Whyville very early in the morning -- usually around 3:00 AM Whyville time, in fact. With the switch to daylight savings time, I was on at 1:53 (and 46.29 seconds) this morning. I live in the eastern United States, so this is very early for people around here.

I went to the playground, my favorite hangout, but no one was there. Oh, well. It was early. So I went to the beach, and lay on the towel for a few minutes, getting nice and warm. I hope I'm not boring you, because I'm about to get to the weird part.

I dipped my feet into the water, careful not to get my new jeans wet, and felt a sharp jab. Then... I guess I passed out.

I woke up, and I wasn't feeling too great. Blurred memories flashed through my mind. A fish... scaly... a twister... toenails? Twister fish! Out of my nightmares rose the toenail-eating monster first described by Shelly1 that has attacked twice since then! Then I really woke up. I was in a small cement room that looked like your basic... jail cell? An old lady sat above me, asking me what I needed, to just tell her, she'd do her best to hear me. I groaned and fell back asleep.

The Twister Fish walked in, laughing. "An excellent specimen," it hissed. "Her hair looks like none I've seen before, and she comes with animals." It was then that I became fully conscious that I was gagged and tied to a chair, and my faithful parrot could have left me but hadn't. I began to formulate a plan, but didn't let the fish know. I stuck my tongue out at it.

"Hmm," it said, "Tongue. Wonder if it's tasty."

I pulled my tongue back in.

Than I noticed that an old lady was tied up next to me, and couldn't hear the Twister Fish. "Speak up, dearie," she said. "I'm a little hard of hearing these days, and being up tied by a fish is quite new to me." Then I saw the face of the now-familiar newbie who had saved Shelly1 and Tennisgrl peeking into the window of the cell. Come on! I cheered mentally. The newbie's eyes widened as he saw Twister Fish laughing maniacally.

3 Hours Later...

City Hall strode through a door and grabbed the still laughing fish as Bigfoot Bill pelted it with projectiles. Now, it turns out that the Twister Fish a weakness that causes him to melt when he feels projectile hit him. So he melted! (Duh.)

"BirdGirl, you and Grandma have been taken hostage in the Whyville Jail," explained City Hall as Bigfoot removed our chains. "We brought this jail to Whyville hoping that we wouldn't need it. We hid it and chose to use the safety tools instead."

"No way," I gasped. "A jail? In Whyville?"

City Hall nodded. "We thought the Twister Fish had been destroyed after the kidnapping of Tennisgrl, but it had just been beamed to the Whyville Beach, which hadn't been discovered yet."

But, after much thinking, no one could think of a way to kill the Twister Fish. Then, the same newbie who rescued me decided to kill it by keeping it out of water. It was a fish, after all. Unfortunately, it disappeared. So... don't put your feet in the water!


Times Editor, please don't put "Whyville storyteller" under my name. This is true.



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