www.whyville.net Nov 7, 2002 Weekly Issue

Looking for Help?

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Looking for Help?

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Hey, meg959 here, asking if you need help? What I mean by that is, usually every time I go somewhere in Whyville I see a newbie begging for clams of face parts. Do you think they need help? Well, I do, because I am tired of newbies begging me for clams, game answers, face parts, or makeovers. I want to help them help themselves.

First of all, you everybody needs clams to make a face, house, and sometimes friends. Newbies, if you want your salary raised, don't go asking for clams, most citizens will usually turn you down. Also, don't go to chasing those game cheats, you will learn NOTHING. If you have game cheats, what's the use for these educational games? If you focus on the games, you will figure them out. No matter how young or old, I know you can figure out those games and raise your salary. Get some helpful hints, maybe, but don't cheat 'em all the way!

Second, you need good face parts to have a very nice face, which can sometimes be expensive to newbies. Also, most citizens will not send you face parts, even ones they never use because it costs money to send parts. And if you ask somebody for a makeover in Whyville they will usually say yes, maybe even no. They will say yes because they want your account and all the hard earned clams you have made, even if you only have a few. The people might even say no because the newbie's account might only have 3 or 4 clams that they don't even need. But, then there are the kind, nice citizens that will say yes and give them parts, make them pretty and maybe even spend some of their own clams.

Third, getting friends. It is sometimes hard to get friends in Whyville. When you don't have a very great face, some people will turn you away. But don't let those few rotten apples ruin your fun! Just keep trying and you CAN do it, all you need is to be yourself, not someone else (like in April Lavigne's song, "Complicated").

I hope those few tips will help you have a great time in Whyville.

It is meg959... signing off.



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