www.whyville.net Nov 7, 2002 Weekly Issue


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Times Writer

Hey! It's me, QUISP! Now I'm writing about a little "thing" that is always there, surrounding us, watching us, BOO, HE'S BEHIND YOU!

Actually, no, I'm talking about TIME...

Ok, so what IS time? "Time is the thing that is always there, but you never touch it."

That is similar to how most people would define time. The truth is, none of us actually KNOW what time is. Some people view it as something created by humanity to give order to events, some believe it is cyclical and it repeats in a never-ending cycle, others believe god(s) created it, and that (s)he will end it, and still others believe it is the fourth dimension..

I believe that time is a combination of many of the above things. Humans named "time" to give order to our endless events. Time simply marks down WHEN that object happened in correlation to the previous event. I also believe in space-time. It's kind of a complex theory and you'd have to brush up on Einstien's famous Theory of Relativity to completely comprehend it... even I can't explain it -- I feel I understand it, but I can't explain it (weird, eh?). I also believe that time is cyclical -- as in, the universe expands/crunches over trillions of years (big bang/crunch) and that it will be held in perpetual motion for all eternity....

Wouldn't that mean that time could only exist with motion? And since motion can be considered as an event, wouldn't that mean that time only records events? Now we're right back at the beginning....

Time is extremely complex and everybody has a different view on it... I quite enjoy the Buddhist philosophy on time -- that we're all stuck here until we achieve Nirvana and transcend the physical being... but of course, I won't get into that right now....

What do you think of time? Does it actually exist? IS it the fourth dimension? Or just a "thing"? Think about it -- it's hard...




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