www.whyville.net Nov 14, 2002 Weekly Issue

Getting Involved

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Getting Involved

Guest Writer

You hear it on the announcements at school all the time, "Drama club is meeting today, please come to the cafeteria at 2:45" or "Girl JV Basketball Tryouts today in the Gym" But do any of them apply to you? You might be thinking, "Well I'm not the kind of person that's 'involved' in anything." Well, this is oSTEPHo asking, WHY NOT?

You don't have to just do activities at your school, you could join the local soccer team, or sign up for the next play at your theater. There are a lot of different things you can do and have sooo much fun! *HINT* If you keep reading you'll find out some more ;)

One thing a lot of people (mostly girls) like is dance. I take Hip Hop and i LOVE it! It keeps you fit (we did 200 crunches today!) while you have a blast! Today, in honor of Halloween, we did a Michael Jackson dance from his music video of 'Thriller' and it was tight! We did the whole zombie thing and all the Michael Jackson moves! It's fun, a good work out, and hey who doesn't like to dance!? Or, you could also take other types of dances. Maybe ballet is more your style, or maybe you like jazz (jazz is close to Hip Hop), or tap. I bet you have a dance studio some where near your house!

Or, maybe you absolutely love to act. Well, guess what I'm going to suggest? Drama Club! It's fun and you (obviously) get to act. Most Drama Clubs perform older plays written by Shakespeare, or other famous playwrights. You can hang out with your peers and friends, laugh, and do what you love! My school's Drama Club is already planning a play, Annie, Jr.and that is just a shorter version of Annie. We have all heard of Annie I'm sure...right? The little redheaded orphan?

If you're the more athletic type, then why not join a sports team? There's a TON of sports to play! To name a few there is soccer, tennis, basketball, football, track, or lacrosse. You might be thinking, 'Well you have to try out, and I'm not very good at soccer even though I love playing it.' Well, see if your community has a Rec Center. You don't try out at all. They just sort you into teams and you play against other teams. It's fun and you get to laugh and goof off with other people who love the same sports as you.

Maybe your talent is in Art. A lot of places have Art Clubs that meet after school. You draw, sculpt, make models, and paint. You make TONS of things in art club while you relax and talk. You get to meet new people, make new friends, and do the thing that you love! Once again, if you love to draw but think you have no talent, who cares!? Art Club isn't just for the super talented ones, but for anyone who's serious about art.

Are you more of a musical person? Try joining chorus or band! Now do NOT say band is for geeks, a lot of my friends are in bands and they love it! You play your instrument and hang out with people who have similar and yet different interests at the same time. Jenny might love the drums, Leslie might play the flute, Kyle plays the sax, and Nate plays the trumpet but yet they all hang out together. Then, in Chorus you are with other people who love to sing. Singing is great, another way to express those are so great feelings, and the really sad ones too. Singing is whatever you make of it.

The last extra curricular activity I will suggest to you is things like the Student Council, Debate Club, and the Year Book Committee. Student Council is great, another way to get involved and also change things around in your school! Who doesn't like that kind of power? The Debate Club is great for those who love to get their point across to people. You get to argue, but in a nice, constructive way, with people about things you care about. The Year Book Committee is ALWAYS sooo fun! You get to be part of something pretty much everyone sees. The yearbook at my school is full color pictures and everything, and the design is ALL thanks to the students who made the committee. At my school you had to write an essay, and get teacher recommendations, but it really isn't that hard.

There are many, many more things you could to to get involved. I mentioned some, but if that isn't any of your interests look it up! There must be something you love to do, something that you can't wait to get home so you do. Think about it! Now, go out there and GET INVOLVED! *Get the message people, LOL*

This is oSTEPHo saying 'l8ers' and byeee!

*and she is picked up by that big birdie in the sky. HEY, that's my shoulder you're putting your claws into, punk!* Uh, I mean, bye!



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