www.whyville.net Nov 14, 2002 Weekly Issue

Much Controversy

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Much Controversy

Guest Writer

There has been much controversy over smileNOW's article Choice Vs. Nature. Reading the Hot Topics section, I could not help but feel that some people have been perhaps too harsh on her.

Who you like and which gender are not anybody's business but yours. People were angered when smileNOW wrote that homosexuality is a choice, not something because of nature. Although I do not agree with her, if she feels that being homosexual is a choice, we should respect her opinion. Just like the way some people like to poke fun of those who are so-called "different" (e.g race, religion). Put yourself in her shoes and try to think her way.

One thing I noticed is that some of the people who wrote in liked to state that, "I'm not gay or homosexual..." and things like that. Although they may not mean it, I feel they are trying to emphasize to everyone that they are not gays/homosexual, they are just sympathetic people writing in. Sort of like an assurance to themselves -- why do they need that?

In this society, I'm sorry to say that gays and homosexuality are sometimes considered taboo subjects. They are shunned and thought of as weird by some people. What they need, I think, is not your sympathy, but your silent support (read: silent) and most likely they would like to get on with their lives. Don't get all loud about it. Just treat them as normal human beings like yourself and like your friends.

If I were to meet one in real life (or anywhere, actually), I admit that I would feel kind of awkward. But still, I would do my best to keep a normal conversation. ;)

Bye-bye, and thanks for reading,




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