www.whyville.net Nov 14, 2002 Weekly Issue

One Side of a Discovery

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One Side of a Discovery

Guest Writer

Hi everyone! This is Elora here, writing about the heated discussion about homosexuality.

Now, I personally agree that it is wrong, and not natural. I believe that it is a choice, not because of how you're born. The reason I believe I believe that it's a choice is because, think about it. When did you fully comprehend that you were a homosexual? When did you decide that you were a homosexual? When did you decide? Deciding is a choice. Just like everything else in this world is a choice. You weren't forced to become a homosexual, were you? You believe that it jusr sorta happened, right?

Well, in my opinion, it's definitely not heredity. Especially when you couldn't have gotten those genes to decide anyway, because being a homosexual means that you have sex with the same gender, and not the opposite gender, which means that you can't pass on that gene. Obviously. So there's no way that you're born with it. It was a decision, not something that you're born with. So it's a choice. I know that it's more convenient to say that you didn't have a choice, but I believe that that's a convenient rationalization. Editor's Note: Actually, that's a bit of a simplification of how genetics works... your statements are not necessarily true. You might like to do a little research on that! :)

Now here's another thing. Isn't 13 a little young to be practically deciding your whole future and lifestyle? Wait a second...He wasn't even 13 when he decided. He was 11. I think of this as a misunderstanding of feelings. I believe that it's only obvious that some boys at that age (11 or maybe a little older) naturally don't like girls. Oooh, cooties! Right? They haven't fully matured yet -- in fact they're probably still a little immature.

But it may depend on the person. (Golly! I know boys and girls who are immature and they're around 14-18.) They still might find girls gross and odd. And who knows? Maybe al the girls that they know are immature and lame and cheesy. But sooner or later you'll most likely find that girl (or boy for the girls). You never know.

I've been reading the Times every time a new edition comes out. So I found out about this discussion a while ago. In fact, I was reading just today about someone who I really respect, and whose articles I always look for, and always agree with. Even on his article about homosexuality, I understood where he was coming from, and I thought that he was very insightful on the matter (even though he did criticize the Editor, LOL). But I did not agree with him in some things.

His name is TIKE. I must admit that I was a bit shocked at first to discover his feelings. Then I realized, it doesn't mean that he's not still smart and insightful. I know that I will still almost always agree with him. And I will still look for his articles in the Times to read. I just don't agree with his decision with his lifestyle. But hey, that's life. He's still a really cool person who likes to share his brain with others. =b And I like reading his thoughts.

I just hope that I made sense to someone out there. Since this is my first article ever, and I've been on Whyville for about 3 years, I've had a lot of studying before this, LOL. Well, I did have more to say, but I don't want my readers to get bored and fall fast asleep. Heh heh.

I hope that you can search, ponder, and pray about these words to know what's right....

Live long and prosper.




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