www.whyville.net Nov 14, 2002 Weekly Issue

Why So Rude?

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Why So Rude?

Guest Writer

Hello, midget101 here.

Well... if you have been reading the Times in the past month or two, you may have noticed that there has been a very large section where people have been expressing the way they feel about homosexuality (that means being gay). Some people may not feel comfortable talking about this subject, but that is perfectly okay. I am not homosexual myself, so I have no idea what it may feel like to be teased about it.

I have noticed that some people have been making fun of others about this subject and that is wrong. You would not make fun of someone who is a different race or religion than you, would you? So why would you make fun of someone because they may or may not be homosexual?

I have read many of the articles on this subject and noticed that some folks have had experience with this. I have also noticed that it does not seem to bother them when someone says something rude to them. They just ignore the rudeness. Some of the people that have been teased about this seem to respect themselves more than I do. I respect that. It is very hard to be different from the crowd and still fit in, but that is very important to do, because everyone is unique and if we weren't then there would be no point in having places like Whyville where you can go and express yourself and learn. If everyone was the same, then you would not have friends... nor enemies, because everyone would be the same and there would be no need for these other people.

I hope some people have learned something from this article and I hoped you like it. I also hope to be writing for the Times more often, so keep a look out for more articles by me!




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