www.whyville.net Nov 14, 2002 Weekly Issue

Scamming Grandma Scums!

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Scamming Grandma Scums

Guest Writer

Heya all my fellow Whyviillians. I was just reading the Times (I seem to do that quite often actually... but it's all good!) and I noticed something. Mostly all the articles are the same every week! I mean, yes, the Scam Alert Section is to alert people about scams, but why obsess over the SAME scams in 7 different articles? There are plenty of scams and hacking techniques out there, and most of them are not talked about.

So today I will write about a scam not many of you know about. The scam with Grandma. I mean come on, WHO in their right mind is gonna cheat off Grandma? Well, sadly, it happens. People who are filthy rich and just plain greedy go to Grandma's and get a LOT of face parts. And I donate a lot to Grandma and a lot of the face parts I give to her are ones that are really cool and I like but I just have too many! So people take those parts (that are SUPPOSED to be for newbies who need help getting started in Whyville) and SELL THEM!

I've seen people at the Whyville Square and even our new (and wonderful!) beach talking about how they'll "brb (those of you who aren't familiar with the Internet lingo, that means "be right back") I'm gonna go get to some clams!" And THAT gets people interested and everyone asks how are they going to do that? They say they're just gonna go to Grandma's house. That confuses people -- I mean, "I thought Grandma only had face parts? She has clams, too!?" But no, she doesn't, these people take Grandma's kindness for granted and take all they can get their grubby little fingers on and sell them to newbies who want to look fabulous and fit in better.

Now, people, in real life would you take things from your Grandma and sell them to people at the mall, or people you see sitting at the beach? I didn't think so. Well, if you do, then I guess I could call you a sick, greedy, and pathetic person, cheating your own Grandma! Get real! If you DO steal from ANYONE, I have one thing to tell you: go crawl into a hole and die (OK maybe not die but feel guilty for it because you're not only cheating the person you stole from, but other innocent people who were maybe going to buy or get that thing honestly). If this is published, Times Editor, please don't edit that out because it's true. You should definitely feel that way if you lie, cheat or steal. I mean yes, I lie, I think everyone does. But I don't cheat or steal, so why are you?

Now maybe I have just given you one more thing to think about. Or maybe I made you mad, or put a little bit more knowledge in that already knowledge-filled brain of yours, but either way you could always just Y-Mail me and tell me to straighten up if you agree or not.

Well, this oSTEPHo *hoping to become a Times Writer soon!* and I will be seeing you around (but hopefully you WON'T be talking about stealing from Grandma!).

Byeee... *and she was whisked away by a knight in shining armor* heehee!



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