www.whyville.net Nov 28, 2002 Weekly Issue

Giggler's Halloween Report

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Giggler's Halloween Report

Times Writer

Here's a slightly delayed report from Giggler01 on the Halloween party...

You know Hallowe'en has just passed when I'm doing that thing where I twitch for no reason. This is usually a sign that I've eaten too much sugar. Hallowe'en = Sugar? You've got to be kidding me! No, I'm just kidding you! Enough with the folly!

While I am loaded with sugar, candy and sweets I am also loaded with good ol' Halloween projectiles! These are the MESSIEST projectiles in Whyville, and they can only gotten in the Haunted House, so if you didn't find any, then you're plumb outta luck! But I do have some Hallowe'en memories to share with you! (And two pictures!)

When I got home from school, I did my usual dash for the bathroom and then I came downstairs to my faithful computer. I ended up being early (by almost an hour) but people were already waiting at Dr. Leila's front door. I went costume shopping and checked my e-mail before returning.

Holy cow, it was PACKED! Imagine all the people at the prom packed outside of Dr. Leila's, and then add a few more! It's a good thing this Giggler isn't claustrophobic! At 6:00 on the dot, people started saying nikpmup, but only some people got in. So I went out and came back into the room and said the password before all the faces loaded.

And low and behold I was in the Haunted House! Of course, my vote was for my favorite Dr. Seuss character (now who could that be? At first I thought he was hobo, but apparently I was wrong.) I ran into a lot of people I hadn't talked to in a while, and then headed over to last year's favorite spot... the Graveyard!

This year I got quite the surprise! A Pumpkin Storm! Of course, this reminded me of last year's clam showers and made my eyes tear a little. But soon partying was my number one priority, so it was all good.

I tried to figure out how many flights of stairs there were and I realized that it was the same flights of stairs going in a rotation, so there's really only 4 or 5. At least, that's what I think!

I also met some people that needed an attitude adjustment! I mean, October 31st is supposed to be a time for happy, hyper little kids! Not grumpasaurases!

Okay you've probably had enough of my babbling! This is Giggler01, moving onto her war history homework!



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