www.whyville.net Nov 28, 2002 Weekly Issue


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It affects more than seven million women between the ages of 15 and 35, though these ages can range dramatically. It kills more than 10% of the 7 million women who have this disease. This killer is called anorexia nervosa.

Anorexia nervosa is defined as a refusal to maintain weight at or above normal weight for your age/height. It's an intense fear of becoming fat and gaining weight, even though you may be (and inevitably become) underweight. What anorexia does to you is indescribable -- the pain you go through each and every day and the endless hours of listening to the evil voices inside your head.

This is my story of how I'm still trying to survive the nightmare of anorexia.

Here's what a few citizens of Whyville think about it:

Me: In your own words, what is anorexia?
Barbara: Anorexia is an unfortunate disease where someone trying to lose weight gets addicted to not eating. Most people who are anorexic don't like to admit it.
FuzyMonky: Anorexia is really bad to have, but some people like to keep being anorexic.

Me: How do you feel about this disease?
FuzyMonky: If I was anorexic, it would probably be very painful because what people say and what your body is feeling when your parts are kinda squeezed together. Maybe people just want to be anorexic. Maybe they think it's cool. They want more attention. Then they get too addicted to not eating.
Barbara: I think it's a stupid idea to lose weight and it can put you in the hospital. Plus, once you start, it's hard to stop.

Me: What do you think is the damage effect on the people who care about someone with anorexia?
Barbara: I think, If people care about someone so much as to be smart and tell them to stop, because they really care about that person. I think that it hurts the person's friend as much as it hurts the person who actually had the anorexia.
Lexytoo: My friends tried to make me eat but I always said no. It does hurt the friend u just hope they have enough courage to tell someone. My friends didn't.

Me: If you or some one close to you, suddenly got this disease, what would they effect be on you. Why?
Barbara: One of my friends was bulimic, and she'd always not eat anything and throw up whatever she managed to swallow. My other friends and I eventually talked her into not doing it anymore, because we were scared for her life. I was also affected because I thought that she didn't care about herself or us.


Well, that was my report on a very sad and destructing disease. I hope this has got through to some people. Well, this is lilchater, signing off!

Lov Ya Lotz,



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