www.whyville.net Feb 15, 2003 Weekly Issue

TIKE and Giggler01's FAQ

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Giggler01 and TIKE
Times Writers

Sitting on the front steps of the Times Building, Times Writers TIKE and Giggler01 are beginning to respond to some of the mail that they have received. Do you have any questions about the way some of the things on Whyville work? If so, listen in on their conversation to learn more...

    Dear TIKE,
    I read the Whyville Times every week and I have a lot of opinions that I would like to share. How do I write for the Times? And how do I become a Times Writer? This is all so confusing. Please Help!

    Sincerely, Confused in Club Why

Giggler: Well, this seems easy enough. If you look on the front page of the Times, there should be a "Submit Article" section that gives you details on how to write and send your articles to the Editor. But being a Times Writer isn't easy! You have to have sent in at least 5 articles that express a variety of topics.

TIKE: That's right! You must also show a deep commitment to Whyville in your writings. Possessing a variety of interests and having a clear voice helps as well. However, some articles don't get published right away. It may take a few weeks or months before you see your article on display in the newspaper.

Giggler: I keep seeing articles being published that I wrote months ago. That shows you that not all news is "timely" news.

    Hey, Giggler!
    Lately I have been seeing many arguments on Whyville and I don't know what to do! I have heard about Whyville's Safety Patrol team but I don't know exactly what it is or how I can become a member. Send some info, please?!

    Yours Truly, Wondering in Whyville Square

TIKE: Isn't the Safety Patrol an assortment of citizens who keep watch over Whyville, ensuring that the safety of each Whyvillian comes first? I have heard that they have a special reporting tool that they can use when they see bad behavior.

Giggler: That's right! But members of the Patrol Team can be kicked off for a frivolous report, so I have to make sure that I am careful before I report someone. It must be for the right reasons and the person must pose as a threat against others. The tryouts were a few months ago, and we were told that tryouts would happen every few months... but unfortunately, there has been no bulletin since the first set of tryouts.

TIKE: Members of the Patrol are given a special hat, so keep your eyes peeled for them around Whyville! However, if you are interested in becoming a member, safety must come first. Let's not forget that bragging and boasting about your status is frowned upon, so be warned!

Giggler: I became a member of the team by submitting reports every time I saw something bad occur. Since my reports were always on target, I was chosen to be a member. TIKE, you must remind me to keep wearing my Patrol hat -- I admit that I keep forgetting.

    TIKE I desperately need your help!

    I have heard about Y-Helpers but I don't know how to become one. I keep asking around but no one seems to know the answer! Do you think you could help me out? It would be greatly appreciated!

    Signed, Perplexed at the Playground

TIKE: In order to be a Y-Helper, you must fit certain requirements. First of all, you have to have a salary of at least 60 clams a day, and been a citizen of Whyville for over 3 months. This is to ensure that you know how to play the games properly and have become adjusted enough so that you can help others who may have questions for you.

Giggler: You also have to pass a test that City Hall gives to you -- and if you are still interested, then e-mail City Hall. But be warned, the position takes a lot of work and effort. You must be friendly and be able to stand people asking many repetitive questions and begging for clams. I wouldn't suggest that you take this lightly.

TIKE: So far, Whyville has a good-sized group of Y-Helpers, from veteran citizens, to Times Writers, to Safety Patrol Members. So if you ever have a question, they are the ones you should go to. Being a Y-Helper also means that you are a friend, so you must also be open to accepting new friendships from different citizens. Think of yourself as a tour guide!

Giggler: I am almost done, I just have this one last sentence to go. Do you want to go throw around some projectiles, TIKE? I think we deserve a break after answering all of these letters.

TIKE: Sure! I'll race you -- last one there has to buy the projectiles plus free hair at Akbar's.

Giggler: You're on, let's go!


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