www.whyville.net Feb 15, 2003 Weekly Issue

A Bigfoot Scam?!!

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Note from City Hall: Riggy has brought forth news of a very important scam. Remember, no city worker will EVER ask for your password, nor will we talk with you over a chat program outside of Whyville. This absolutely includes Bigfoot Bill!

A person claming to be Bigfoot is sending around mail or email like this one... here is what happened to me:

AimAssistance05: Hello.
AimAssistance05: Have you ever been hacked?
AimAssistance05: From whyville.
AimAssistance05: Is your account... Riggy?
akljlaa: huh?
AimAssistance05: Hold on one moment please.
akljlaa: ????
akljlaa: ok
akljlaa: hello?
AimAssistance05: brb
akljlaa: ok
AimAssistance05: :-)
AimAssistance05: You go on whyville, am I correct?
akljlaa: who r u? and why did u ask
AimAssistance05: Your account is Riggy, right?
akljlaa: *do
akljlaa: who r u
AimAssistance05: I am a city-worker.
akljlaa: and
AimAssistance05: I am big foot
AimAssistance05: :-)
akljlaa: hi
AimAssistance05: Whyville has had some problems with hacking, have you ever been hacked?
akljlaa: yah?
AimAssistance05: Ok by whom?
AimAssistance05: We are testing a hacking system. A boy invented a petition to stop hacking, and it worked! What it is is , we go on people's accounts and by there password, we can find out who hacked,when, and why.
akljlaa: i dont know exactly but i really want the account back i used 2 b bgrl and then she got hacked
AimAssistance05: I am sorry, but we can not tell how we do it.
AimAssistance05: okay!
AimAssistance05: Hacking is a horrible scam.
AimAssistance05: We will find why someone did it, what she/he has changed, who, and we will get your account back.
akljlaa: i know can u get my account back?
AimAssistance05: Yes.
akljlaa: u can
AimAssistance05: Yes.
akljlaa: thank u thank u thank u
akljlaa: !!!!!!
akljlaa: :-D
AimAssistance05: :-)
AimAssistance05: what was your old account?
akljlaa: *coming down now omg
akljlaa: it was bgrl
AimAssistance05: okay and what was the password before it got hackeD?
akljlaa: ummmm
AimAssistance05: Do you remember?
akljlaa: no
akljlaa: im so srryu
AimAssistance05: hmm. Ok
AimAssistance05: .
AimAssistance05: its okay,
AimAssistance05: This is harder now, but if you REALLY want the account back.
akljlaa: it may have been joker
AimAssistance05: Ok.
AimAssistance05: But,
AimAssistance05: hmm let me check.
AimAssistance05: No that wasn't/
akljlaa: THATS NOT IT
AimAssistance05: nope.
AimAssistance05: But, we can still figure it out.
AimAssistance05: There is a special button when you get on your account, but only we know how to get into it.
AimAssistance05: so, I need your pass to help you figure it out.
akljlaa: huh?
akljlaa: witch 1 bgrl
AimAssistance05: You will get your accoutn back, and then when your on your bgrl, you can change the pass immediatly
AimAssistance05: no, riggy.
akljlaa: ummm im not so sure
AimAssistance05: It's ok. If your account is hacked, all you have to do is email Nebjm.
akljlaa: how do i know its u and how do i know i wont get hacked and y would u need the pass?
akljlaa: ?
AimAssistance05: You won't get hacked, i promise. I need the pass so I can go on your account and click that button that only City workers no about, and then it tells who has been on your other accounts, and it tells why, and then you will get your account back.
AimAssistance05: :-)
akljlaa: im not sure and 1 thing i dont have a whypass
AimAssistance05: It's ok.
akljlaa: i still dont know
AimAssistance05: You don't need a why-pass.
akljlaa: i no but how am i supposed 2 belive u
AimAssistance05: I am 100% sure you wil gt your account back, and all the clams, and theh acker will get banished immediatly
AimAssistance05: I am very sorry, but it's only for the better =)
akljlaa: i donno
AimAssistance05: Do you LOVE your account?
akljlaa: yea
AimAssistance05: Ok, lets put it this way, if you dont do this, you might get hacked on riggy as well.
akljlaa: y?
AimAssistance05: Because it is never safe.
akljlaa: y mail me on bigfoot
AimAssistance05: If we do this, even if you give your p/w to someone, you can still get your accont back.
AimAssistance05: I can't get on right now.
akljlaa: o u cant
AimAssistance05: No.
akljlaa: ok
akljlaa: how did u get my aim?
AimAssistance05: when you signed up for whyville, it had your email.
AimAssistance05: So we just pressed search and it showed up here.
AimAssistance05: If we were 100% percent sure that riggy is you, then I wouldn't of asked "do you go on whyville"
akljlaa: not this 1
AimAssistance05: no.
AimAssistance05: So,
akljlaa: huh?
AimAssistance05: would you like to sign up?
akljlaa: huh?
AimAssistance05: All you need is your first name.
akljlaa: [name removed]
AimAssistance05: Okay.
akljlaa: and ?
akljlaa: brb
AimAssistance05: It is recording right now, say your p.w.
akljlaa: wut
AimAssistance05: Say your password so we have it on file so you dont get hacked.
akljlaa: if ur whyville u already know it
AimAssistance05: I'm not whyville.
AimAssistance05: I'm bigfoot.
AimAssistance05: I do not know people's passwords.
akljlaa: but still u said cityhall was behind this he\she should know it and every1 else working there should know
AimAssistance05: No we don't.
AimAssistance05: I am by myself, not with city hall.
AimAssistance05: Me, bigfoot, doesn't know everyone's passwords. Only mine.
akljlaa: then how would u know all of this
akljlaa: ?
AimAssistance05: Ctiy hall told me.
AimAssistance05: Okay, you are being recorded. NOW.
akljlaa: then ask them my password
AimAssistance05: Hi! how are you today?
akljlaa: good
AimAssistance05: Have you ever been hacked?
akljlaa: yes
akljlaa: 6 times
AimAssistance05: Oh well this is the perfect chance to get your account back!
AimAssistance05: Wow!
akljlaa: omg!
AimAssistance05: Hacking is a horrible scam! whyville should protect it, don't you think?
akljlaa: yes
AimAssistance05: Okay, well all you need to do, is say your password. We will be done in just a few minutes!
akljlaa: how do i belive u
AimAssistance05: We will have your account back in a blink of an eye!
akljlaa: ok
AimAssistance05: *recording* (that means to just stay on the topic)
akljlaa: ooooooo sure
AimAssistance05: Okay, well all you need to do, is say your password. We will be done in just a few minutes!
akljlaa: not
akljlaa: *nope
AimAssistance05: *recording*
AimAssistance05: Do you know shmee?
AimAssistance05: She is one of our finest whyvillians.
akljlaa: not really
AimAssistance05: She is here todat.
AimAssistance05: Today*
AimAssistance05: why not?
akljlaa: no not that
AimAssistance05: Ok?
AimAssistance05: Hey.
akljlaa: r u waring me?
AimAssistance05: No!
akljlaa: sure
AimAssistance05: What's warning?
AimAssistance05: LMAO
AimAssistance05: *scam*
AimAssistance05: this is the best scam of all!
AimAssistance05: and u almost fell for it!
akljlaa: huh?
AimAssistance05: LMAO
AimAssistance05: ive gotten so many accounts to hack
AimAssistance05: yay!
AimAssistance05: I HAVE YOUR ACCOUNT
AimAssistance05: woo hoo!
akljlaa: how?
AimAssistance05: go check ur mail! ur pass has changed!
AimAssistance05: i have every1's pass
AimAssistance05: ur pass is.... well, im not going to tell.
AimAssistance05: you'll never guess it!
AimAssistance05: ill give u a hint.. tis a number combination!
AimAssistance05: with 7 numbers!
AimAssistance05: ahahahahaahahha
akljlaa: to bad u said that its called copy and paste cityhall will now everything
AimAssistance05: lol fine
akljlaa: ok
AimAssistance05: i knoe city hall they wont report me
akljlaa: sure they report hackers
AimAssistance05: look you believed me:

    akljlaa: i know can u get my account back?
    AimAssistance05: Yes.
    akljlaa: u can
    AimAssistance05: Yes.
    akljlaa: thank u thank u thank u
akljlaa: i care y
AimAssistance05: cuz u believed me
AimAssistance05: my scam is great!

p.s. Please be aware!



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