www.whyville.net Mar 21, 2003 Weekly Issue

Times Writer

Life Up Here

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Holla Whyville! I would like to tell you about my height. I am tall. Quite tall for my age as a girl, alwyas have been. Your appearance, including your height, certainly does affect your life, so I will tell you a brief summary of how it affects mine. Being tall isn't all good, but it isn't that bad, either!

Ah, how wonderful it was on the first day of school to be called "Giant Jillian." Thanks! Maybe you won't believe me, but it's true. Some people call me a stick. I'm not doing this to brag or anything, just filling you in. But it hurt my self esteem so much to be called the giant at the beginning of the school year. I started to believe that I was fat, and while I didn't give up food or have an eating disorder, I became very depressed. Well, my friends brought me to a mirror, and I'm fine now!

Another downside of my height, dances. School dances, bat mitz fah dances, dances at parties. I hate them! Don't get me wrong, I love to dance and I'm on a traveling dance troup! But, you know those slow dances. It doesn't work too well being taller than most of the guys. Luckily I've found a special one who's my height, but before that it was torture.

One more negative thing: shoes. Have you noticed that all the cute shoes have really high heels? Well, guess what? Unless I want to be almost six feet tall, I can't wear them! Luckily, I've searched around enough to find some good ones with no heel, but I tell you, it's hard!

Now, you may be thinking, thank God I'm not tall! But there are some good sides too! Like, have you noticed how almost all models are tall? With really long legs. Luckily, I'm blessed in that department, like most tall girls. So, we normally look good in long skirts, and long dresses.

Also, it is great when you are talking to adults! My friend is quite short, and no one will hire her to babysit, because she looks like a little kid. Similarly, I get tons of offers to babysit, and many of the mothers think I am much older than I really am because of my height. It also helps, because many families pay older kids (or kids who look older) a lot more moolah. Many adults that I talk to treat me like an adult as well, which I think is greatly because of my height.

Last, but definitely not least: basketball! I guess you could say sports in general, but especially basketball! I must admit, being as tall as I am sure helped becoming a starting forward on my school team.

The important thing is to love who you are. If you're short, you can't change it, just like I can't change my height. I've accepted and learned to love it. I might as well, I'm stuck with it forever. I hope everyone accepts their heights and appearances. I'd love to see an article from a short person's point of view, and an average-heighth person's, too!

Hope I helped,


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