www.whyville.net Mar 28, 2003 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

War: Issues of Hypocrisy

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Hello everyone! This is LiLKuTiE7, reporting for the first time ever! For my first article, I've decided to report on the topic that is on everyone's mind: the war in Iraq.

First of all, Bush is being VERY hypocritical! Ok, ok, I know he thinks he's doing the right thing by going after Saddam Hussein, but isn't he doing to Iraq what they have done to us? How do you think the children in Iraq feel? They have to suffer and lose family members because of one sick and twisted leader. I'm sure you're thinking, "Well, what about when September 11th occurred!? We were suffering, too!" My answer to you is, America had to suffer, and thousands of innocent lives were taken. But by carrying on with this war, more innocent people are suffering!

Now, I'm not even American. I am Canadian and proud of it. But this war on terrorism is still very important to me. I watch the war on Iraq every day, and more and more, I can feel my stomach in knots because of the fear I have of having Canada bombed too. My friends have different opinions. One even said this:

    "Well, if I was in Iraq, I would just dress up as some towel-head and shoot Saddam!"

It's not quite that easy. Even if Saddam does die, I'm sure he has already made plans with his two sons to continue with the war. I mean, seriously, why can't we just live in a world where everyone is treated equally and with respect? This war is crazy and you know it. So I ask you now, what is the point of war?

This is LiLKuTiE7 signing off...


Editor's Note: If you ask, "What about when September 11th occurred? We were suffering, too!" I ask you, what evidence is there of Iraq's support of bin Laden? The truth is, bin Laden despises governments run by non-religious leaders. As much as we may not like Saddam Hussein, and whether or not this war is justified, it's awfully difficult to actually make a "friendly" connection between Hussein and bin Laden. Fact is, they're mortal enemies -- one of those instances when "the enemy of my enemy" isn't actually "my friend".


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