www.whyville.net May 2, 2003 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Would You Like Some Cheese with that Whine?

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Hello Whyville and everything that it is, this is GetBent15 with a thought for speech.

Just as what I am about to explain, I am about to 'whine' and/or complain, just like you and everyone else who has written for the Times.

Now, we all know nothing and no person(s) are and will never be perfect. I myself am not and even though you may not care what I think, I think it's good enough that I make another point in this little world of ours. It has come to my attention that many of you don't agree with the new rules and standards (and layouts) that have come to our nice little town.

I wanna let you know that many of your complaints are a big waste of time. Such as the filter on Whyville. Yes, I do not agree with it completly; I'd rather say what I want. But it's not my decision and it's not like I own this site. I'm just grateful to be able to use it. The filter is very great in many ways. First of all, this IS a children's site and we all know that our parents would definitly NOT agree with their 11-14 year old children having conversations with people they barely know in a very inapropriate manner. I for one wouldn't. I am only 15 and I should know. If you want to talk like that, there are plenty of chat sites for older conversations like that.

Now, to continue my point: I think the Times layout is fine. It's better new than old. And I think they did a great job on the new one. It's all in majority. Although one voice will make a difference, it's majority that counts. Just because one little voice decides to want a change... what about the other voices? Unless they agree, your voice out means nothing to no one.

That's just something to disagree about. Better luck on your protest! I'm sure people will disagree, with me but this is only my opinion.

'Til next time... another voice will be told! Thank you!



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