Hello fellow Whyville citizens! I am hear to discuss
something quite new, the Whyville Times' BBS.
The way to enter an article's BBS is to click where it says
"Click here to discuss this article". The BBS is supposed to be a place where
you can discuss the article, not be rude about it. Not to be rude! No offense,
maybe some of you don't realize it, but you come off rude in some of your
postings. The last article I wrote, some people whom shall remain nameless were
quite nasty, in my opinion, and I have noticed it in other articles' BBS's as
And then some of those people end up y-mailing us. I'd just
like to ask you to be... what's the word... considerate, okay? Maybe even be
nice in your postings. In any case, just don't be mean, foul, and stuff
that shall not be named.
Be polite,