www.whyville.net May 30, 2003 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

A Newbie's Struggle

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Hello Whyville, I am flip411. This story starts out a little slow and bumpy, but trust me it has a very important point to it. It is a point that should not go overlooked in Whyville.

For the first time. I can feel the breeze across my face as I stand in the middle of Sector Y. I open my eyes in amazement to see all the beautiful colors and people. So many exciting things are just happening all at once. I try to type all my expressions and the joy I am feeling, but my mouth isn't working yet. I will not let that put me down, because the Whyville community looks too good to be true. I can only imagine that when I can finally talk, I will be loved by everyone and that I will make a ton of new friends instantly. I discover the face mall and immediately want to show everyone my uniqueness with colorful eyes and big giant ears.

But I find my pockets are empty. I read some instructions telling me that I can earn clams by playing games, which doesn't seem very hard at all. Eager for the rewards, I jump into a game that I cannot understand. I jump into a new game, and then another and another until I can finally make 10 clams a day! Excitement is now flowing through my body like electricity through water. I wait for my 10 big ones, until I learn that I will not receive them till tomorrow... my face slowly begins to feel heavy, until I realize that I can go to the beach and look at people with cool faces to get ideas.

The beach is beautiful and I almost feel as if I could be tanning right now. Just then someone talks to me! I could hardly believe it. He said to me, "Get out of here NEWB!"

I couldn't believe it... I could only try to hold back the tears. As I moved to the corner of the beach, a girl comes up to me tell not to worry. She explains all my problems until my heart is back in place. The next week, I have 45 clams and a new face. It's not the greatest face in the world, but I have discovered the joy of friends on Whyville.

This is actually a true story of how I came to love Whyville. I did, however, quit for a while, but couldn't stay away too long.

If I could only give one message to all of Whyville, it would be, TREAT NEWBIES WITH THE MOST POSSIBLE RESPECT.



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