Aspen leaves, blooming green
Beautiful days, many to be seen
Caterpillars, that change inside a cocoon
Dog walks, that go till noon
Everyone outside, playing in the sun
Friends hanging out and having fun
Getting to meet a new friend
Hiking a path, that has no end
Internet surfing, just to find something new
Jet planes, flying into the blue
Kites, flying high in the sky
Leaning on a tree, watching people go by
Minding everyone's business but your own
Never have a day without an ice cream cone
Playing video games till you're blue in the face
Q being another letter in another place
Resting under a tree in the shade
Swimming in a pool till until daylight fades
Telling jokes to friends old and new
U and me together till summer is through
Vying for control of the TV channel
Wind blowing cold over the dashboard panel
X-rays showing a broken arm
Your family's trip up to the farm