Hey! Wildfire9 here again! I bring you the latest info from the world of style!
Do you think if someone has their ears pierced, they are weird or
different? NO! Don't believe it! I have my ears pierced and no one considers me a freak. If you
walked up to someone to ask for directions and they had their nose and eyebrow
(and other strange body parts) pierced, do you feel hesitant?
I think people who have piercings are too often criticized for what they look like. Just
because that person is pierced and tattooed does not mean they don't have a job
-- they probably do work hard and are naturally a nice and caring person. It's their
decision what they want to look like and people who are different should not
have a problem with that.
My teacher teaches at a local college after our classes. She has students from
all different races and cultures. Some students have big afros. Some have
dreadlocks. But she accepts them all just as her own kids because she knows
that even though they are different they are still just as likely to be great people.
One day this same teacher was in a local craft store. The woman making bows at the ribbon
counter had 1,000 bracelets on her arms and her nose and tongue pierced. My
teacher said she was a very, very kind person and helped her with the project she was
trying to make. No one stayed in the line behind her because the ribbon woman was
so different.
You can't judge a person by what they look like.
I have friends in real life who are punk. They are some of the nicest
people I know. So they wear spikey bracelets and black clothes. That does not
change the person they are!
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Don't judge a person by what they look like.
This is
Wildfire9... signing off! *click* Grrr! Stupid computer! *click*