www.whyville.net Jul 18, 2003 Weekly Issue

Whyville Storyteller

The Whyville Story

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My first day of Whyville, I thought as I stood at the Whyville Square. What adventures will I run into? I gazed down at my map and I searched for the Land Office. "If I am going to live here on this island, I am going to need a house," I said to myself. "Now, where is that Land Office?" I walked over to two girls who were talking with each other at the side of the road.

"Could you please tell me where the Land Office is?" I asked them. One of the girls replied, "There is an orange bus that comes around every so often, if you get onto it, just tell the bus driver where you want to go and he will take you there."

"Thank you so much!" I said as I walked across the street and sat down on the grass.

It seemed as if I had been waiting for hours when the bus finally arrived. I walked onto it and told the bus driver I wanted to go to the Land Office. "Ok!" he replied. I went and sat down in a seat.

When we arrived at the Land Office, I gave my thanks and walked into the store. I walked up to a wooden counter -- there was a goofy-looking man standing behind it.

"Hi, welcome to the Myville Land Office. I'm Bob. I'm so sorry, but we're fresh out of plots. A few plots open on Saturdays at 2PM Whyville time, so please come back then!" Without a word, I sadly headed out of the building. I decided to go for a walk. I walked right over to Whyville West and looked up at the sky.

"It's too bad I can't get a plot. I guess I'll come back later." Just then, I saw a big green spaceship fly across the sky. I ran in horror into the Sportsplatz.

"Hi," a girl said to me. "You new here?" she asked.

"Yes, I just arrived here this morning." The girl started talking again, but I gazed across the soccer field and ignored her. I wish I could be popular like them... then I would fit in.

"Hello? Hello??" The girl tapped me on the shoulder.

"Oh.. Sorry, I must have trailed off. What did you say?"

"I said, would you like a place to stay. I know that the Land Office is always fresh out of plots."

I smiled. "Oh that would be wonderful! Thank you so much!"

"It's no problem, just send me some mail when you want me to show you around the place."

"Ok, I will, thanks!"

I walked over to the racetrack. There was a guy with a tattoo on his arm. It was of a heart and some sort of lettering underneath. I couldn't make out what it said. Then I went up some blue stairs that were to my right. At the top there was a doorway. I walked inside.


I took a seat. I looked down in front of me and noticed that a race was taking place. I hated races, so I decided to leave right away. I wonder what people get out of that in Whyville.

I walked back to the Sportsplatz. I went and sat down in the middle of the field. I looked over at the popular group and noticed that they were looking my way. I decided to get up and go and introduce myself: "Hi, my name is BeeZD, what is yours?"


I was shocked! I didn't know that people could be so cruel. I ran away from them not wanting to look back. I saw the same girl that offered me a place to stay. "Hi, it's me again," I said to her.

"Hello... oh yeah, did I mention? My name is Elle. And you are..?"

"I'm BeeZD... are those popular kids always that mean?" I asked her.

"Not always, but they don't like to hang out with newbies because they don't like all their questions and how they look." she replied.

I sighed. "But how can they be so cruel?"

"I don't know, that's why I don't hang out with them" she said smiling. "They're okay to their friends, but..." she shrugged, still smiling. I smiled back

"Well, I'm glad I found a good friend like you!"

"Me too" she said, "Well, I've got to run. I'll talk to you later! Don't forget to mail me!"

I waved as she left the Sportsplatz. I sat down and started to look through my red bag that I had been given by City Hall. I found a black book titled "Ledger." I opened it and flipped a few pages. I started to read. "So I can raise my salary and earn clams?" I said aloud, "That's great! I better get to work!" I walked back over to Whyville West.

According to this book, that green spaceship can help me raise my salary. I walked under the big floating structure and it beamed me up. That's when I found myself gazing at a green alien.

"Please help me find my friends!" it said in a shaky voice.

"I will do my best!" I told the alien and I set off on my search for the alien's lost friends. After a very long search, and hard thinking, I found all of the alien's lost friends. When I returned them to their ship, they rewarded me some t-shirts and a salary raise. I smiled and said thank you.

The aliens then beamed me back down to Whyville West. I put my book back into my bag and noticed that I had mail. I opened the envelope and read what was inside.

    Dear BeeZD, It is getting late and I urge you to come over to my place now. It is located at Ave G & 2nd St in New Town 4. Come ASAP, don't want you to get lost when night arrives.

"I'd better hurry then, the sun is starting to set!" I waited for the bus to arrive once again. It seemed to arrive sooner then before.

"Ave G & 2nd St in New Town 4, please." I told the bus driver.

"Ok!" he replied.

The bus stopped in front of a small but cosy house. "Thank you," I said the the driver and I walked off the bus and up to the house. I knocked on the door. Elle opened the door and told me to come in.

"Thanks again, Elle," I said to her as she took my coat and hung it in the closet.

"Any time! Any time!" she replied, "Here, let me show you around." She gave me a tour of the whole house and when she finished, it was time to go to sleep. "Make yourself at home, you can stay here for as long as you need to," she said smiling.

"Thank you so much, good night."


I closed my door and hopped into bed. I didn't have the energy left to change into my pj's. I turned off the light and went to sleep.

To Be Continued...

By BeeZD


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