A lucky charm, according to Encarta, is any formula, act, or object supposed to
have power to ward off danger or to bring good luck. Although the term
originally meant the chanting of a certain verse, it came to also mean an object
worn or carried for protection or good fortune. It is basically a mental
attachment or fixation to an object, because it revives a certain memory. For
example, my pink wig reminds me of a happy moment at a dance, therefore I "need" it when
I am down on luck.
I interviewed two Whyvillians about what their lucky charm was and why it was
significant to them. My good friend jpotter was the first on my list.
Jpotter: I've got a scrunchie that I have to wear at soccer games, because
I had
it when I scored my hardest goal.
Following jpotter was coolsam51.
Coolsam51: It's my pair of blue and white socks, because when I wear them
I always find something or something nice happens to me.
I guess that concludes today's article. It was interesting writing this
article, because I now understand that there is a memory attached to everyone's lucky object.
*Bouncing from cloud to cloud*,
minty0323, signing off...