www.whyville.net Aug 8, 2003 Weekly Issue

Senate Candidate

Senator Platform - updated

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First off, I would like to say thank you to everyone who got me this far, including my friend and rival, Giggler01. I would also like to say that I ran as fair of a race that I could. Now with that out of the way, I will present my platform.

I believe that everyone should be represented, no matter how new or old they are, and I will represent Whyvillians to the best of my ability if I am elected senator. The biggest issue seems to be clams for those newer whyvillians who are poor. I remember when Whyville was going to open a Newbie Center, what ever happened to it? I would like to attempt to reinstate the old Newbie Center and perhaps add a face making tutorial for the newbies, some tips for playing the games (not the answers though, just tips). I would also like to make it a point that I will never even suggest giving newbies clams right when they sign up because that will create a number of problems, and with the inflation (means your clam is worth less) in Whyville already on the rise, we do not need anymore. Also people would create more accounts just to get clams, taking up needed server space.

Another point i would like to bring up is the availability of plots. Lets not kid ourselves, to have a plot one must be a veteran of Whyville or a very lucky newbie who got one the veteran was evicted from. Plots are not used as much as they where in the early days of Whyville. In fact, I took the time to interview a group of citizens and those who owned a plot NEVER went to their house. So I propose that the plots be taken away. Why, you may ask? Well, first off, hardly anyone uses them and second it takes up a great deal of server space. Instead of houses and plots I suggest a Hotel or Apartments. I know that this part of my platform may be the least popular amongst the Whyvillians, but I ask those Whyvillians to take my suggestion into consideration, because it does make sense. More space on the servers means more space for newer things like more PUBLIC chatting rooms, thats what Whyvillians really want.

As for the face parts expiring... I have interviewed many people who are terribly upset by this announcement. I have only one thing to say on this issue. City Hall and Akbar only did what was needed for Whyville. Although i am in favor of the expiration of parts, as a designer, i must say i am deeply disturbed by Akbar's new restock prices and also by his no-refunds policy. Although i cannot promise to do anything specific about this, I will try my best to talk some reason into Akbar. The price raises and the no refunds will create quite an inflation in our hard earned clams, making the designers raise all of their prices, just to keep from going out of business. Also with the new price raise, there will also be less parts priced at 10 clams and below for the newbies who cannot afford to spend 45 clams on a single item!

Actually, you know what, I am pretty sick of the way that the Whyvillians act. Ok, people... no, children come to this site to chat, and have fun, but other people tear this place down and make it more like a junior high or high school by spreading rumours and cheating and doing stuff that one even hates to see in real life. I will stretch my neck out for people and even when i get no thanks in return, I will do it again, and again, and again. I will always listen, i will always care, and I will always give thanks where it is needed.

I am sorry to say, that at this point in time, this is all I can ever hope to promise the Citizens of Whyville, all I can really promise is to listen to you and your thoughts and try to make Whyville a better place for you to chat.

Your Public Servant,


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