www.whyville.net Aug 3, 2000 Weekly Issue

The Thing

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The Thing

by Brainbub


"Nooooo!" she cried. "Nooooooo! Don't! Take me instead! Nooooooo!"

But The Thing paid no attention. As its gaseous, purple body closed around the Head Computer in Howtown, City Hall cried out one more time, "Nooooo! You can't, you mustn't!! Noooooooooo!"

But The Thing, like the evil virus it was, connected to the computer and destroyed it. And City Hall was forced to watch all her work, all the code she had slaved over, be destroyed, bit by bit, piece by piece. Then, her computer went black as the last of Howtown was destroyed.

"Well," she sighed. "I guess it's back to the old drawing board."

A year later City Hall awoke with a start as the horrible dream-memory ended.


Chapter 1

City Hall stared at her computer screen as a terrible thought occurred to her. What if I fail to protect Whyville as I failed Howtown? she asked herself. Already strange things were happening. Just a few days ago almost no one could get into Whyville, and those that could saw it was completely out of whack. Maybe this forewarns an attack of The Thing? City Hall decided to go to Whyville.

In Whyville everything was okay. The citizens were chatting happily, discussing the events of the previous week. Suddenly, the letters turned into symbols. Brainbub was being shrouded in a purple mist! A stream of symbols issued from his mouth as the picture was broken into bits of pieces. Everyone left the screen in a matter of seconds. City Hall changed some code so no one could get into Whyville Square without a special password.

Then she went into Whyville West, where everyone had gone. All the citizens started up at once "What happened?" "What was that?" "Is it still there?" "What happened to Brainbub?" "Is that thing a virus?"

"One at a time, one at a time." she said "Brainbub got swallowed by some purple thing, The Thing, I don't know, he was swallowed up, yes."

How can I battle that thing, she thought.

Then unexpectedly the aliens got off their ship above the Sun Spot. They held little ray guns and started blasting things! One ray gun was fired at 7. City Hall tried to say "7! Look out!" But instead she said "%! &@ *^&!" And 7 disappeared in a flash of purple light. Then 7 and Brainbub popped out of the ship, but they were wearing oversized purple sunglasses.

"Surrender to The Thing!" they said. "Or--" suddenly they stopped, and 7 shouted, "No! Don't!!" "NEVER SURRENDER!" Brainbub thundered. But the aliens turned around and cornered them.

"Surrender!" they cried.

"Projectiles!" Brainbub shouted, and he and 7 hurled projectile after projectile at the aliens. The fools, City Hall thought, how do they think that will help? Then she realized something. The aliens guns were gooped up! They couldn't fire! But one of the aliens cleaned its gun, leaped in between the two, vaporized Brainbub and 7, and leveled it at City Hall in a split second.

"Surrender or die," it said as it adjusted the gun's power level. "Surrender or die."

To be continued...


Chapter 2       Chapter 3




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