www.whyville.net Aug 15, 2003 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

What Are We?

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I have lost pride in my country. I have lost the pride I once had for it during 9-11 and the start of the war.

Why have I lost it? It seemed at the beginning of the war that we were doing the right thing; right now I'm talking about the first war, going after the bad guys, helping the good, and going to catch Osama Bin Laden... but are we still even looking for him? The media doesn't even mention his name anymore. I mean, wasn't that what the wars were originally about?

But that's not what got me mad. At the start with the war with Iraq, I thought we should go. I mean, I want to live, and the threat of them having these mass destruction weapons scared me. We went, we won... but hold on! Where are these nuclear wepons?! I mean, that's why we went, right? Or was it the oil...?!!

Were we after these guys because of them treating their people wrong and them having nuclear weapons? If that is the case, why didn't we go after North Korea, too? We know that they have nuclear weapons and they are starving their people over there. So why are we not there? Is it because we know they will give us a fight? Are we scared about the fact that we know they really do have nuclear weapons? Are we scared that if we attack them China will get in it and they have more than 1 billion in population... or is it because they don't have any oil!??

It's not like I'm for Osama Bin Laden or Sadam Hussein. In actuality, I think they're quite the idiots, really, who have taken their religion too far. (Editor's Note: Not sure if this affects your argument or not, but Hussein was actually a "secular" leader, which means he didn't lead by religion.) Another thing: I was watching Bill Mahr and he made a very valid point. Does our government think of these people, these firefighters, these police, these soliders as heroes? When they are on food stamps and get salaries 10 times lower than a man who plays basketball or a woman who poses nude on camera? I wouldn't think so!!! We are not as good as we seem.

American companies use children, some around the age of six from other countries, and make many of them work longer than many people work here in the USA, and pay the kids mere change. In those countries, many kids are dying of diseases because their families can not afford to give the children shots or hospital care or medicine.

I'm not trying to seem like a good guy; I'm just trying to figure things out. So my Question is: Is our government really as good as it seems? Are we really the "good guys"? Or are there no "good guys" in this world anymore? And what is good? I mean, our society is advanced, in my opinion far more than Iraq, but we are not the good people we try to portray.

Everyone has a bad side to them. Will society ever be perfect?


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