Did you know that one in five football players will have mild to severe head
injuries this season? A concussion is a 'disturbance in brain function due
to sudden trauma'. If a head injury goes untreated, it can get more severe
and never neurologically repair.
First off, some statistics: 64,000 amateur athletes will suffer from some kind
of a concussion with approximately 12,000 of them being football players. With
each head trauma, an athlete can be prone to more similar injuries, even from a
small hit. A doctor studied 88 athletes in contact sports and compared the
severity. Nine of the players that had multiple head injuries, and were more
susceptible to the long-term effects of a concussion (i.e. memory loss,
inability recall events near to the injury, and confusion). Do not think
that just football players are apt to suffer a concussion. Wrestlers and
female soccer players are very prone to concussions, also.
After the injury, people who have suffered concussions will show symptoms of
headaches, dizziness, personality changes, difficulty with memory, or feeling
foggy, distracted, or being fatigued. If they continue to play immediately
after the injury they risk getting Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other things
affecting brain function.
This article was meant to inform you of the causes of concussions with a few
statistics. I do not consider myself an expert on them, so please correct
me if there is anything amiss in what I've written.
Telling you all to be careful,
Work Cited
"A Heads-Up Warning on Concussion"
"Knock, Knock: Repeated Concussions Can Cause Mental Problems for Football