www.whyville.net Oct 3, 2003 Weekly Issue

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Pretty is as Pretty Does

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I am here to talk about a very controversial subject here in Whyville: beauty contests. Some people love them, some despise them. In my opinion, they are a harmless amusement, something fun to do when you're bored. But I'm not here to tell you what I think of beauty contests -- I want to tell you a little story.

About five minutes ago, I was lazing around the beach, soaking up the sun, when I saw an ad for a beauty contest over at Tiki Tours. I decided to check it out. This one was big: about 20 entrants.

The judge began announcing 3rd place. Then came 2nd. And then it was time for first. I was sure it would be one of the blonde, blue-eyed, sparkly girls surrounding me. But which one? Drumroll...

The judge called my name! I was the winner! I was very excited, and awaited congratulations or clapping. But I was in for a mild shock. "Bad judge!" people shouted. "Eeeew!" commented others. "The winner is ugly!", "Really bad judge!", and "Someone else should be first!" they cried. People were ranting all over the place.

Wow. They were mad. Really mad!

I have a message for them, or anyone else who would behave this way. Please lighten up. You're all beautiful, too. The judge just chose me. Why does this offend you? And what about me don't you like? The light brown skin? The brunette hair? The hat?

Really, none of these things matter. By entering a beauty contest, you are saying that you accept the judge's opinions and the fact that you will not necessarily win. Criticizing a judge or a contestant is unacceptable. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you would win first place in your own beauty contest, what else matters?

I think I am beautiful, so those people's comments didn't hurt me. But they might have hurt other people, had they been in my place. So I ask you all to please be considerate if you're going to enter a beauty contest. Act beautiful and you will be a winner, no matter what the judge says.


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