This article is about Whyville Weddings, O.K. or not O.K.? I interviewed
three people. Here`s what they had to say:

First I interviewed Kirae.
Me: About "Whyville Weddings", do you think they`re O.K., or not O.K.?
Kirae: I think they're O.K., because I am getting married
myself, and I think it's pretty cool.
Me: Thank you for your time.

Then I interviewed jellogrly.
Me: About "Whyville Weddings", do you think they`re O.K., or not O.K.?
jellogrly: I think they're O.K.
Me: Should we have a "Whyville Chapel"?
jellogrly: Yes.
Me: Thank you for your time.
jellogrly: No problem.

Last I interviewed Beth16.
Me: About "Whyville Weddings", do you think they`re O.K., or not O.K.?
Beth16: They're O.K.
Me: Thank you for your time.
My opinion: I think that "Whyville Weddings" are pretty weird, unless you
really know that person. It sounds kind of dumb marrying a cartoon head.
Over all three out of three (3/3) said that "Whyville Weddings" are O.K.
What do you think? Are "Whyville Weddings" O.K., or not O.K.?