I hope everyone enjoys this week's paper -- it's huge, almost-50 articles long, and that means... yep, it's a double issue. Double issues give you twice the paper in one week, which means the next week I get to take a much-needed week off... well, not really. Because you folks keep sending in great articles for me to publish!! That means I'll be spending next week catching up on my reading of your finely-tuned opinion pieces, well-researched news stories, and exciting science investigations. It'll be a busy week, as usual, for me. How about you?
City Hall tells me that plans for the "programming test" are coming along nicely, though they don't yet have a nifty name for the project. Anybody got any ideas? Post them in the BBS or email City Management!
Also, rumors picked up from construction workers hanging out near the Whyville Bazaar suggest that the area may be closed off for a few days while the much-anticipated WHYVILLE MALL is begun! Are you ready??
What's in a rumor? Find out in the Times,
Times Editor