Hello fashionable Whyvillians!
It's Tech-Girl here, with some more hot fashion tips for the Whyville
summer! Oh, before I continue, I want to introduce you to my
faithful fashionable Whyvillians in Training, azzkickr and GwenStfni.
This summer there have been a lot of new fashionable items put up for sale.
We know you have a lot of decisions, "Should I go pink... or blue?!?"
Together (the Fashion Team) we have been going through what's hot and
what's not. Here are our final opinions...
Coloured Lips: Pink, Orange, Blue (ALL COLOURS)
Red Lips by Akbar
Bee-Stung Lips by Akbar
Braces by Akbar
2000 Glasses
Smile and Frown by Akbar
Anything by Girly Fashion Co., Charity, or Beauty Girl Co.
Green Eyes
Purple Eyes
Tube Tops
Gold necklaces
Getting a 'tan'
Ice Blue Shades
Main color for girls: Pink.
Pink is a very feminine color, and says, "Girl Power!"
Main color for guys: Black.
Black says, "I'm a guy." It also has the Manly Look about it!
Final Report:
Looks do mean a lot to some people in Whyville, plus it feels great when
you can help yourself and others look and feel better about themselves.
If you want to look a little different, try going for a tan, or get a
body and face from Hawaii's faces. You'll find the tanned things under
"T" and Hawaii's faces under "Other Parts".
Hint for Clams: If you want to design something, try making something
for the guys, they don't have many face parts, so try making something
really cool for them!
This is Tech-Girl, azzkickr, and GwenStfni signing off!
Join Tech-Girl next time for accessories!