Hi, mareb428 here, and I ask you this, WHY Y-POX? That's
right, it's back again, Why-Pox. It seems to be that
everyone is getting blemishes all over their faces and sneezing uncontrollably. How do you get it?
By hanging around other Whyvillians with it, and once you have,
there's no stopping it. They start very hard to see, almost skin colored
with a pink outline, and kind of circular. Next, they get all dark pink and
not really circular anymore. Next, they get circular again and get very
dark red with a black outline. I'm not sure what happens after that
because nothing worse has happened on Whyville. Hopefully soon
Dr. Leila will give us the scoop on what CDC scientists have figured out.
I hope my
pox are gone by the time Halloween comes; it's my favorite holiday!
Achoo! Sneezing out,