Hello Whyvillians! This is Gyser94 and Catz4ever with our little idea!
People should have pets on Whyville. Maybe Whyville could have a pet store
that sells every kind of pet, even camels, hippos, zebras and lions only from
20-100 clams! It also could sell food and other supplies.
You should have your own personal home that you decorate yourself at the pet
store, for only 10 clams. Every day you can take your animal for walks to talk
with other pets, to get up its energy! Keep it happy like a real pet, and let it
grow from a puppy, kitten, cub, etc. to a full-grown animal!
And when the day comes, they die. They could die because of mistreatment,
hunger or even old age. Take it to the vet when you think it???s dead. They will
tell you it???s a minor injury, or that it's dead.
But you won???t miss your pet when it dies. There would be a graveyard where
you could decorate your pet's grave and buy flowers to place on your pet, or
other people???s pets, for only 5 clams.
But, every Halloween or full moon, visit your pet???s grave to watch it rise
from the dead as a ghost!
Short article, eh? For more info, y-mail Catz4ever or Gyser94.
This is Gyser94 and Catz4ever, signing off.