Here come Akbar, here comes Akbar, choosing what to stay,
Should it stay or should it go!!!
So make it right, or payyy!!!!
If it's aaacceepted,
you'll be blessed!!
If it's hot and if you're not,
you'll still make some mmmmooonnneeey!!!
OHHH -- here comes Akbar, here comes Akbar, choosing what to stayyy!!
Make a shirt or a dessert,
it's your choice so let's rejoice and prayyy!!
That it will be okay!!!
Make big money,
buy a bunny,
And have more clams 'next day!!!
This is theee end of my song,
Haveeee -- a-nice-dayyyyy!!
Ohh please let this bee-okkk!!!
--much love, this is citygrl3, signing out!!