www.whyville.net Dec 5, 2003 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Help with School

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Hi there, Whyville. It's Jersie, here to talk about school organization.

Ok, well, you're all thinking, we've been in school how long, what do we need help with being organized now? Well, it seems to me that at this point our lockers and desks are getting the messiest.

If you're anything like me, you have 2-month-old signed tests just hanging out in your desk or locker. My suggestion about them is to hand them in or RECYCLE 'em.

Also, we really need to have some sort of color-code or labels on our binders so we don't always have to pull them out and say, "Ok, uh, here it is. I think," while your whole class is staring at you, hoping you'll stop making all the noise.

Another helpful hint is to have textbooks on one side of your locker/desk and your binders on the other side.

Now, if you are at that stage where you don't have lockers yet and you store everything in desks, remember to always have a pencil, eraser, sharpener and pen on hand.

Ever have those days when your lips are sooo chapped that you can't stand it?! Well, why not trying to store a chap stick at school? You can keep it way at the side of your desk or locker and still be able to reach it in case of an emergency.

Err... those dreaded pencil cases. Where to store them?! How about right in front of the textbooks? You should still have enough room to reach the texts but have the perfect area to put the case.

What about pencils, crayons and markers? Put them in your pencil case. That's what it's there for!

Calculators and that kind of stuff can be stored right in the middle of texts and binders. Rulers can go in that little indent at the very edge of your desk (if you have one). And as for coats and sweaters and whatnot, if you have a locker, store it on the hanger, NOT THE FLOOR!

This is Jersie saying, "Look, it's a cloud, not Super Man!" and have fun this year. KEEP IT CLEAN!


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