www.whyville.net Dec 5, 2003 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

The Earth

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This is hotzi2u signing in. Here is a story based on my imagination...

Once a very long, long time ago, God was sitting around one day and decided to do something that would change the way he lived, make him more busy, and make his life more of a challenge. Well, he thought and thought, and thought. Finally he said out loud to himself that he should create a new planet... called Ralph... no, no, no, that didn't have enough pizazz, how about Chicken? No, that didn't sound right either. He decided on Earth... yeah Earth, he liked that.

Well, he also thought and remembered the last time he created a new planet (Mars), it didn't do anything but sit there, and it was a complete waste of time. So he decided that he would create a huge ball of water and stick five animals on an island. He made an eskibu, a cranch, a diofuss and a hubut. He gave each one of these animals a power. After he made the island, he stood over them waiting to see what would happen. All at once they were there.

They talked among themselves and came to a conclusion that they should find some ways to make this Earth a better place.

The eskibu's most special power was to fly, so his job was to fly to each planet and get a different type of soil/dirt at each planet to contribute.

The cranch's most special power was to dig; he had lots of places to dig now because the eskibu got lots of soil and dirt. Every time he dug, he created a huge holes in the ground (canyons) and created huge piles of dirt beside it that packed up when it rained (mountains and hills)

The frusk's most special power was its imagination. He went around and named things. (Like our cities, streets, towns, etc.)

The diofuss's most special power was organization. He went around making sure everything was in order and running properly.

The hubut's most special power was working underwater. He made sure everything was well down there.

The animals did a great job with the Earth, so God put more life forms on it, like plants, humans and more types of animals.

After so long being underwater, the hubuts got used to the water and started forming gills and became cold-blooded. The humans started calling them fish.

After so long being the boss and organizing things, the diofusses started to become the top of the food chain. Humans started calling them lions.

After so long imagining and pretending, the frusks started to become silly and not care anymore and just hang in trees. The humans started calling them monkeys.

After so long digging and digging, the cranches started to get smaller and smaller, humans started calling them moles.

After so long flying here and there and back again, the eskibus started to develop wings, and instead of a nose they developed some sort of pointy things. Humans started calling them birds.

God was kept busy, like he wished, watching them grow and develop. Everyone was happy. And that's my story of how the world became.

This is Hotzi2u signing off. *Click*


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